De Boston Consultancy Group nodigt NEWS-leden uit om zich kandidaat te stellen voor één van de 25 plaatsen in de Business Course “Thought for Food” die van 6 tot 11 mei in Rome plaatsvindt. Tijdens de business course, die in samenwerking met het World Food Programme van de Verenigde Naties georganiseerd wordt, worden deelnemers gecoacht door consultants en experts van het World Food Programma terwijl ze zoeken naar oplossingen voor het mondiale hongerprobleem: 850 miljoen mensen lijden nog altijd aan honger op de wereld en elke vijf seconde sterft een kind aan honger, stelt de Boston Consultancy Group. De deadline voor aanmeldingen is 16 maart. Selectiegesprekken vinden plaats in April. Meer informatie vind je op de website van BCG.
De Boston Consultancy Group kondigt de business course op haar website als volgt aan:
BCG organizes a business course with the World Food Programme. You can participate! During the Business Course in Rome, you get the opportunity to contribute to the World Food programme’s aim: ‘fighting the global war of hungerÂ’. The WFP is part of the United Nations and is the largest humanitarian organization in the world. In 2003, the WFP fed nearly 110 million people in 82 countries. But WFP’s work is by no means finished. More than 850 million people in the world do not get enough food to lead healthy, active live, 300 million of which are children.
During de Business Course you work 5 days with 25 other motivated top students for the WFP. You work on fund-raising, distribution strategies and alternative financing. You are coached by
experienced strategists of the World Food Programme.
Only 25 students can participate in the business course. Because of the unique opportunity, we expect a lot of applications. We can only invite the most motivated top students with us to Rome. After an initial selection based on the applications, we invite candidates for selection interviews at the end of March and beginning of April. Based on these interviews we determine the final selection.
You can apply online for the WFP Business Course between January 1st and March 16, 2012 by uploading your letter of motivation, your resume and your gradelists from both highschool and university. The interviews will take place on Thursday April 5, Friday April 6 and Friday April 13. To apply for this business course you have to master the Dutch language.  Click here to apply.Â
Meer informatie vind je op de website of stuur een mailtje naar Anna ten Cate (